Tuesday, August 24, 2010

omg why?

Today is my fourth day with my host family. My new house is under construction so i do not have a permanent room or any space to unpack. There is no sink and wifi is hard to find. I speak absoultly no french and I have been living with my pocket dictionary. Its freaking cold!!!! It rained yesterday in August!!!! I have been living in my sweatshirt when everyone else is in shorts and a t-shirt. I do not know what school I am going to yet. It is very stressful. It is very different here. I am afraid to drink the milk because they do not keep it in the refridgerator. My home does not have a television and I have already read the books I took with me. They eat so much bread!!!! AFS tells you that you will gain weight but I have lost some because of all the bread that they eat!! Maybe that will be something good that comes out of this trip.

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